Dark Sky Initiative - North Fork Park - Mural Trail

Ogden Valley Starry Nights works to preserve the legacy dark skies and rural environment of Ogden Valley (a high mountain valley 50 miles northeast of Salt Lake City), long treasured by its residents and celebrated for its scenic beauty and agricultural heritage by artists, writers, sports enthusiasts, and visitors from around the world.

North Fork Park, a Weber County Park in the Valley, was designated a prestigious International Dark Sky Park (IDSP) in April 2015, the 21st in the world, preceding Capitol Reef National Park #22, Canyonlands National Park #23, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park #24 (with Grand Canyon and Glacier/Waterton National Parks in process).  North Fork Park is a central anchor for the largest concentration of accredited and aspiring IDSPs in the world.

The Ogden Valley Starry Nights initiative was undertaken by the Ogden Valley Utah Affiliate of the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) and the Ogden Valley GEM Committee after examination of the high Bortle (light pollution) levels measured in the Valley and discussion of sensible approaches to saving energy, reinforcing local businesses, and restoring an historically maintained level of rural charm and aesthetics.  The initiative supports Ogden Valley in joining a select group of Western state mountain resort destinations by offering not only extraordinary scenic beauty and extensive recreation opportunities, but also an increasingly rare opportunity to experience the stars, moon and Milky Way. 

The Ogden Valley Starry Nights Mural Trail is a series of murals (based upon the Tillamook County Quilt Mural Trail) celebrating the area's dark skies.  The first is on the 1870s Fuller barn, across from the elementary school.  The second is on the Rhodes family farm in Liberty.  A third was installed summer 2021 on the property of Julie Vaatuitui, also in Liberty.

The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) was founded in 1988 in Tucson, AZ and has established itself as the global authority on light pollution. Through its educational and collaborative approach, it has helped many communities enhance nighttime security, reduce energy use and regain a truly dark night. 

Ogden Valley GEM (Growth with Excellence Mandate) Committee is a citizens group seeking to promote the rural atmosphere of the Valley and the other goals of the Ogden Valley General Plan.  The Committee works with Weber County officials and processes to encourage carefully considered, responsibly planned, family-centric development that promotes and contributes to a sustainable tourism and outdoor recreation economy with enhanced property values and county tax base. 

Starry Nights Logo 2015

©  2021 Ogden Valley UT Affiliate, International Dark-Sky Association  (www.starrynightsutah.org) (www.darksky.org)